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Melodie López

Updated: August 26th, 2023 | Lakeland | Lawyer List M | Lopez & Humphries P.A. | Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Trucking Accidents,

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Address: 2420 Florida Avenue S., lakeland, FL, 33803
Law Firm: Lopez & Humphries, P.A.
Phone: 863-732-4713
Website: https://www.lopezandhumphries.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Trucking Accidents, Criminal Defense
DescriptionMelodie López has been practicing law since 1994. She began her career trying criminal cases at the Public Defender’s Office and then the State Attorney’s office. After that, she began practicing civil litigation, and in 2009 opened the law firm of López and Humphries, P.A. with her partner Kevin Humphries. Melodie has tried over one hundred jury trials during her career in many jurisdictions, including Polk, Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough and Dade County. She has litigated multiple complex criminal cases, and in the civil arena, commercial truck accidents, auto accidents, and multiple premises liability cases. Melodie has been featured several times on Nancy Grace, CNN, and also the O’Reilly Factor on Fox. She has also been interviewed by all of the local television networks, including Bay News 9, Fox 13, ABC, NBC, Univision, the Lakeland Ledger, the Orlando Sentinel, and the Tampa Tribune. Melodie has served twice on the Florida Bar Grievance committee and was appointed chairperson both times. She was also appointed by the Governor to serve on the Judicial Nominating Commission for Polk County. She is currently a board member of the Lakeland Bar Association, a member of Polk County Trial Lawyers Association, and frequently volunteers for community events for veterans and children. She has also coached her children over the years in baseball and soccer. Melodie is known for both her compassion and her zealous representation of her clients. She battles in the courtroom with a competitive spirit, always with her clients in mind. Bar Admissions Florida Bar Association United States Bar Association Polk County Trial Lawyers Association Association of Trial Lawyers of America Lakeland Bar Association Hispanic Lawyers Association Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity
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Lopez & Humphries P.A.

Lopez and Humphries, P.A. is dedicated to serving the legal needs of Lakeland and the rest of Central Florida. If you’ve been hurt in an auto wreck or injured in some other way, our Lakeland car accident lawyers are here to Melodie Lopez and Kevin Humphries have combined trial experience in more than 100 jury trials, 500 trials before court, 500 Social Security Administration trials and over 50 Workers’ Compensation trials. The attorneys of Lopez…

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