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Meredith A. Coleman

Updated: December 17th, 2021 | Tarrytown | Lawyer List M | Kissel Straton & Wilmer LLP | General Liability, Insurance Coverage, Professional Liability,

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Address: 580 White Plains Road, 5th Floor, tarrytown, NY, 10591
Law Firm: Kissel Straton & Wilmer LLP
Phone: 914-368-9085
Fax: 914-750-5922
Website: http://www.kphwlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeInsurance Coverage, Professional Liability, General Liability
DescriptionDean’s List. Dean’s Scholar. Recipient: University Merit Scholarship; Julian H. Hyman Memorial Scholarship.
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Kissel Straton & Wilmer LLP

Well-regarded insurance and reinsurance law experts whose focus is to provide the highest level of legal services to its clientele.Kissel Straton & Wilmer LLP (‘KSW’) was founded in 1998 by a group of experienced and well-regarded insurance and reinsurance law experts whose focus is to provide the highest level of legal services to its clientele. KSW vigorously protects our clients’ interests, by providing first rate legal services tai…

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