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Michael D. McCoy

Updated: January 10th, 2022 | Riverside | Lawyer List M | Castillo Harper APC | Labor Law,

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Address: 6848 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 100, riverside, CA, 92506
Law Firm: Castillo Harper, APC
Phone: 844-500-1895
Website: https://www.castilloharper.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLabor Law
DescriptionMike McCoy is a PORAC Legal Defense Fund (LDF) panel attorney and California Correctional Supervisors’ Organization (CCSO) panel attorney. At CASTILLO HARPER, APC, Mike is a go-to for all aspects of administrative disciplinary matters, from interrogation through appeal hearing. He is one of the most often-requested attorneys in the office, and represents both sworn and non-sworn police and correctional employees, as well as firefighters. He has appeared before neutral arbitrators and Administrative Law Judges at the California State Personnel Board and Office of Administrative Hearings. Mike is part of our on-call Critical Incident Response Team that responds to major uses of force, officer-involved shootings and in-custody deaths, 24/7. He has been involved in police defense work since 2009, when he first started at Lackie & Dammeier after service-retiring from the Colton Police Department.Mike is our lead contract negotiator, and supervises the Negotiations Team. He handles all other general counsel matters, including grievances, and client development and trainings.Mike was a member of the Colton Police Department and the Police Officers’ association for 23 years. During that time, he worked Patrol and the Multi-Enforcement Team. Mike was instrumental in re-starting the Traffic Division and Motor program at Colton PD, where he served as a motor officer and an Advanced POST-certified traffic investigator. While still working as an officer, Mike attended law school and obtained his degree in 2008 from California Southern Law School in Riverside.Mike is married with four adult children including a set of triplets. He has a B.S. degree from Cal Poly, Pomona in Public Administration and Outdoor Education. You can reach him directly at MikeCastilloHarper.com
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Castillo Harper APC

CASTILLO HARPER, APC is a full-service law firm. Our practice area encompasses civil litigation, administrative discipline and employment defense, criminal defense, business representation/litigation, general counsel and family law.CASTILLO HARPER, APC is a full-service law firm located in the Inland Empire.Our practice areas encompass police, fire and correctional representation, to include representation at critical incidents incl…

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