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Michael D. O’Connor

Updated: February 23rd, 2024 | Kalamazoo | Lawyer List M | Lennon Miller O'Connor & Bartosiewicz P.L.C. | Environmental, Real Estate,

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Address: 900 Comerica Building, 151 South Rose Street, kalamazoo, MI, 49007-4752
Law Firm: Lennon, Miller, O’Connor & Bartosiewicz, P.L.C.
Phone: 269-447-1622
Fax: 269-381-8822
Website: http://www.lennonmiller.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Environmental
DescriptionOrder of the Coif. Editor-in-Chief, Indiana Law Journal. Law Clerk to the Honorable W. Wallace Kent, U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit, 1971-1972.
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Lennon Miller O'Connor & Bartosiewicz P.L.C.

The firm has a diversified general and specialty practice.The firm has a diversified general and specialty practice. The practice includes substantial work in the corporate, civil litigation, financial institution, insurance regulation and defense, utility, family law, employment, construction, local, state and federal tax, estate planning, probate, environmental, municipal, public finance, real estate and administrative law areas. The fi…

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