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Michael E. Goldstein

Updated: December 15th, 2021 | Memphis | Lawyer List M | Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh PLLC |

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Address: 6060 Primacy Parkway, Suite 100, memphis, TN, 38119
Law Firm: Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh, PLLC
Phone: 901-614-0348
Website: http://www.harrisshelton.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTrusts and Estates, Bankruptcy, Construction Law, Elder Law, Real Estate Law, Wills
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa; Order of the Coif. Associate Editor, Vanderbilt Law Review, 1975-1976.
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Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh PLLC

As one of the largest law firms in Memphis, the firm offers clients a full range of litigation and business law services.Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh, PLLC is the result of a merger of the law practices of two of the city’s most respected and established firms: Harris, Shelton, Dunlap, Cobb & Ryder, PLLC founded in 1956 and Hanover, Walsh, Jalenak & Blair, PLLC founded in 1914. As one of the largest law firms in Memphis, the firm offers c…

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