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Michael E. Lannon

Updated: October 28th, 2021 | Louisville | Lawyer List M | Weber Rose PSC | Banking Law, Estate Planning, Probate Law,

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Address: 471 West Main Street, Suite 400, louisville, KY, 40202
Law Firm: Weber Rose, PSC
Phone: 888-340-5924
Fax: 502-589-3400
Website: http://weberandrose.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Banking Law, Probate Law
DescriptionMichael Lannon, a Certified Public Accountant and attorney, has practiced primarily in the areas of tax, estate planning, business formation, and business operations for more than 25 years. Mr. Lannon represents publicly-held companies, closely-held companies, banking institutions, partnerships, limited liability companies, and other business entities in the process of formation, private offerings, ongoing operations, restructuring, and mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Lannon negotiates and drafts contracts for business entities and represents them in tax planning as well as handling tax controversies before state and federal authorities, U.S. Tax Court, and federal district courts. He also has extensive experience in estate and tax planning for individuals.Mr. Lannon has lectured at seminars on tax, estate planning, and other business-related legal issues and has authored articles on tax-related subjects. He has also represented many non-profit organizations in formation, operations, and joint ventures with for-profit organizations.Mr. Lannon is actively involved with various non-profit organizations, serving on the boards of directors of Volunteers of America, Project Warm, and the Boys and Girls Club of Kentuckiana.
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Weber Rose PSC

Specializing in the representation of businesses and business owners in diverse fields of practice including litigation, real estate, employer representation in labor and HR issues, creditor’s rights, and trusts and estates.Weber and Rose, PSC represents entrepreneurs and businesses in all areas of legal practice.

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