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Michael G. Getty

Updated: April 12th, 2021 | Fort Wayne | Lawyer List M | Hunt Suedhoff Kalamaros LLP | Medical Malpractice Defense, Professional Liability,

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Address: 803 South Calhoun Street, Ninth Floor, fort-wayne, IN, 46858-2306
Law Firm: Hunt Suedhoff Kalamaros LLP
Phone: 260-423-1311
Fax: 260-424-5396
Website: http://www.hsk-law.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMedical Malpractice Defense, Professional Liability
DescriptionEditor in Chief, Southern Illinois University Law Journal, 1986-1987; Assistant Editor, Journal of Legal Medicine, 1987-. Law Clerk to the Honorable Richard Mills, U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois, 1987-1989.
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Hunt Suedhoff Kalamaros LLP

Hunt Suedhoff, LLP was founded in 1950 by the late Leigh L. Hunt, a noted trial lawyer. Kalamaros and Associates was founded in 1960 by the late Edward N. Kalamaros, a noted worker’s compensation lawyer. Recently, the two firms with so much in common joined forces. This solidified Hunt Suedhoff Kalamaros LLP as the premier law firm with the largest litigation practice in Northern Indiana. The firm presently serves the casualty insurance indust…

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