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Michael G. Sinkevich

Updated: August 2nd, 2021 | Princeton | Lawyer List M | Lieberman Blecher & Sinkevich P.C. | Environmental Law, Land Use, Planning and Land Use, Toxic Torts, Zoning,

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Address: 10 Jefferson Plaza, Suite 400, princeton, NJ, 08540
Law Firm: Lieberman Blecher & Sinkevich P.C.
Phone: 732-997-7598
Fax: 732-355-1310
Website: https://www.liebermanblecher.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLand Use, Toxic Torts, Environmental Law, Zoning, Planning and Land Use
DescriptionWith a focus on complex environmental litigation, Michael Sinkevich assists business, individual, municipal, and non-profit clients in a wide array of matters concerning the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, New Jersey’s Spill Compensation and Control Act, Site Remediation Reform Act, Solid Waste Management Act, Environmental Rights Act, and Municipal Land Use Law. Mr. Sinkevich represents clients before New Jersey’s trial courts, Appellate Division, Supreme Court and the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. In addition, Mr. Sinkevich frequently represents a variety of clients before planning boards and zoning boards of adjustment throughout the State of New Jersey.
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Lieberman Blecher & Sinkevich P.C.

Environmental and Toxic Injury Lawyers Fighting For Your Health, Your Home and Your Communities.Lieberman Blecher & Sinkevich P.C. is a boutique law firm comprised of highly trained and experienced environmental lawyers who represent small business, individual, non-profit, government and corporate clients in environmental, land use, and related complex litigation matters throughout New Jersey, New York and neighboring states. Many of o…

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