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Michael I. Coulson

Updated: April 26th, 2021 | Jacksonville Beach | Lawyer List M | Michael I. Coulson P.A. | Insurance Defense, Mediation, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Products Liability,

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Address: 320 First Street North, Suite 708, jacksonville-beach, FL, 32250
Law Firm: Michael I. Coulson, P.A.
Phone: 904-296-9919
Fax: 904-296-8323
Website: http://www.michaelcoulsonatty.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeInsurance Defense, Personal Injury, Mediation, Products Liability, Premises Liability
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta. Florida Supreme Court Certified Civil Court Mediator. U.S. District Court Certified Mediator for the Middle District of Florida.
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Michael I. Coulson P.A.

Practice focus on Civil Litigation, Personal Injury, Insurance and Mediation Matters.

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