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Michael S. Haber

Updated: November 18th, 2020 | New York City | Lawyer List M | Michael S. Haber Attorney at Law | Estate Administration, Guardianship,

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Address: 11 Broadway, Suite 615, new-york, NY, 10004
Law Firm: Michael S. Haber Attorney at Law
Phone: 347-390-0599
Fax: 212-566-6769
Website: https://www.haberlawoffices.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Administration, Guardianship
DescriptionMICHAEL S. HABER HAS BEEN PRACTICING LAW IN NEW YORK FOR MORE THAN 25 YEARS. His extensive experience in litigation and in estate-related matters makes him a perfect choice to help you with various kinds of cases – probate, administration, trust, and guardianships. His background includes litigation in virtually every state and federal court – NYS Surrogate’s Court, NYS Supreme Court, Appellate Division, NY Court of Appeals, US District Court, and the U.S. Court of Appeals, where he has helped to establish new law. So he is especially qualified to handle not just estate probate or administration, but also related legal or real estate matters. His experience in many different courts throughout New York makes him familiar with the differing approaches taken by different courts and different judges. MICHAEL BRINGS A COMMON-SENSE APPROACH TO THE PRACTICE OF LAW. Words are his tools and his weapons. That awareness aids his oral advocacy in court, where he is known for being extremely well-prepared and for understanding every last detail of his case. It also informs his preparation of legal briefs, an activity in which he not only has vast experience, but one that he is particularly well suited for based on his background before practicing law, as a journalist, public relations specialist, and political aide. That combination of experience helps him to use two of a lawyer’s most essential tools – the ability to write well and to develop a pragmatic strategy. As Michael often says, ‘Hoping for the best is not a strategy.’ When you hire Michael Haber, you get Michael Haber — not a different attorney or a less experienced associate. Michael will make every court appearance on your behalf and will personally handle your matter on a daily basis. You will be in frequent contact with him, and you’ll even have his cell phone number. You can call him whenever there is something important to discuss, even at night or on the weekends. He prides himself on almost always returning calls or responding to emails the same day. If you have a legal matter that requires strong and effective representation, contact our office for a free consultation. There’s never an obligation. You’ll meet with, or speak with, Mr. Haber, and you’ll know whether he is the right lawyer for you. He recognizes that a successful attorney-client relationship is based not just on things that can be measured (like experience or cost), but also on other important factors – whether you are comfortable with the particular attorney and feel that the attorney will be someone you can work with effectively. To find out whether Mr. Haber is a good fit for your legal needs, call or contact him and arrange for your free consultation.
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Michael S. Haber Attorney at Law

Why should you choose attorney Haber?If you’re relying on a probate attorney to look out for your best interests, choose the Law Offices of Michael S. Haber. Attorney Haber provides tremendous value to his clients with: Over 25 years of experience in the courtroom Personalized legal services from one point of contact Comprehensive administrative and litigative servicesGet the results of a large firm and the c…

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