Updated: October 3rd, 2021 | Jacksonville | Lawyer List M | Mike Jorgensen LLM Senior Counsel Attorneys at Law |
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Address: 2318 Park Street, jacksonville, FL, 32204
Law Firm: Mike Jorgensen, LLM, Senior Counsel, Attorneys at Law
Phone: 904-830-4235
Fax: 904-683-8250
Website: http://www.seniorcounsellaw.com
Title | Managing Partner |
First Year of Call | |
Areas of Practice | Elder Law, Bankruptcy Chapter 7, Bankruptcy Chapter 13, Foreclosures, Workouts, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Business Organization, Business Planning, Small Business Law, Commercial Collections, Commercial Litigation, Construction Contracts, Breach of Contract, Corporate Taxation, Expungements, Misdemeanors, Creditors Rights, Debtor and Creditor Workouts, Divorce, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Settlements, Matrimonial Bankruptcy Law, Name Changes, Post Divorce Modification, Premarital Agreements, Uncontested Divorce, Conservatorship, Guardianship, Landlord and Tenant Law, Civil Litigation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Ancillary Probate, Probate Administration, Probate Litigation, Real Estate Banking Law, Real Estate Litigation, Real Property, Residential Real Estate, Tax Law, Estate Administration, Estate Litigation, Estate Planning, Powers of Attorney, Trust Administration, Trust Law, Living Wills |
Description | Awards and Honors: Florida Bar Tax Section Chair’s Special Merit Award, Florida Bar Tax Section, Organizational Meeting, Amelia Island Plantation, July 2010; Florida Bar Tax Section Chair’s Special Merit Award, Florida Bar Tax Section, Organizational Meeting, Amelia Island Plantation, July 2009; Florida Bar Tax Section Chair’s Special Merit Award, Florida Bar Tax Section, Organizational Meeting, Amelia Island Plantation, July 2004; The Barbara McCalla Memorial Award, Florida Coastal School of Law, 2004; Leadership Jacksonville, Class of 2004-2005; Florida Bar Tax Section Service Award in recognition of extraordinary service to the Tax Section, Florida Bar Tax Section, Organizational Meeting, Amelia Island Plantation, July 1999; Wood Badge Award, Boy Scouts of America, North Florida Council, Riverbend District, 1990; Finalist, National Appellate Advocate (Moot Court) (Argued Securities issue under federal and state laws), 1985-1986; Elected to and participated on University of Idaho’s Moot Court Team, 1984-1985; Outstanding Senior in Agronomy from Brigham Young University, 1983; Outstanding Senior of the Year, Agronomy Society of America, 1982; Elected Chancellor, Delta Theta Phi Honor Fraternity, Provo, Utah, Chapter, 1981. Legal Intern: City Attorney, Clarkston, Washington, 1985-1986; United States Attorney, Boise, Idaho, 1985; Hon. Marion J. Callister, Chief Judge, United States District Court for the District of Idaho, Boise, Idaho, 1984. Phlebotomist, Utah Valley Hospital, 1980-1981. Pre Med Studies, 1979-1981. Scholarship and Publications: Text Book, ‘Elder Law,’ ISBN 978-1-60042-013-9, Vandeplas Publishing, 2007-2008; Article, ‘Is Today the Day we Free Electroconvulsive Therapy?’ Volume 12, Quinnipiac University School of Law Health Law Journal, Number 1 (2008); Article, ‘The Convicted Felon as a Guardian: Considering the Alternatives of Potential Guardians with Less-Than-Perfect Records,’ 15 The Elder Law Journal 51, Spring 2007; Column, ‘Valuing Interest in Tenancies by the Entirety Under Craft,’ The Statement of Affairs, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar Association, Inc. Vol. 79, No. 3, March 2005; Presentation Materials, ‘Medical Advance Directives – The Terri Schiavo Issue,’ Presenter for Northeast Florida Hospice, Jacksonville, Florida, Haskell Building, October 2004; Presentation Materials, ‘Medical Advance Directives – The Terri Schiavo Issue,’ Presenter for Baptist Oncology Institute, St. Augustine, Florida, Casa Monica Hotel, February 29, 2004; Presentation Materials, ‘Tax Issues in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy,’ Panelist for ABA Bankruptcy and Workouts Tax Committee, Kissimmee, Florida, January 2004; Presentation Materials, ‘Florida Bar Tax Section Moot Court Competition,’ 2003-2004. Article, ‘Offer-in-Compromise Update: Remarks from the ABA Tax Section Meeting,’ Los Angeles, California, October 19, 2002, Vol. XXI, No. 2, Florida Tax Section Bulletin, January 2003; Article, ‘Seminole Tribe of Florida v. Florida Affects Bankruptcy Actions Today,’ The Statement of Affairs, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar Association, Inc. Vol. VIII, No. 8, Winter 2003; Article, ‘The Chapter 13 Superdischarge Survives for one More Season,’ The Statement of Affairs, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar Association, Inc. Vol. VIII, No. 7, Winter 2002; Article, ‘Young and Gitlitz, The Tax Debtor Loses Twice,’ Vol. XX, No. 3 Florida Tax Section Bulletin, June 2002; Article, ‘The Delinquent Taxpayer May Have One More Season to Obtain a Bankruptcy Chapter 13 Superdischarge,’ Vol. XX, No. 2 Florida Tax Section Bulletin, March 2002; Article, ‘Who Would Gain the Real Advantage in the 2011 Bankruptcy Amendments Addressing Consumer Tax Issue?’ 75 Am.Bankr.L.J. 409 (Fall 2001). (Peer reviewed article); Columns, ‘The 11th Circuit Standard for Determining the Priority Status of Tax Claims Involving Successive Bankruptcy Filings,’ Vol. LXXV, No. 2, The Florida Bar Journal, pf. 35 (2001); Columns, ‘An Honest Debtor Can Still Discharge Tax Liabilities in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy,’ Vol. LXXI, The Florida Bar Journal, pg. 104 (1997); Idaho Law Review Article, ‘Prescription Drug Advertising to Consumers: The Constitutional Perspective.’ Lectures and Presentations: Presenter, Community Hospice of Northeast Florida, ‘Caring for the Caregiver-Medicaid Planning,’ September 11, 2010; Presenter, ‘Planning Ahead,’ Northeast Brain Tumor Support Group, August 2010; Presenter, Community Hospice of Northeast Florida, ‘Caring for the Caregiver-Advance Directives,’ June 16, 2010; Presenter, ‘Planning Ahead and Long Term Care,’ Parish Nurses, St. Vincent Hospital, June 2010; Presenter, ‘Section 108 Cancellation of Debt Income Exceptions,’ Emerald Coast Estate Planning Association, April 2010; Presenter, ‘Advance Directives,’ Parish Nurses, St. Vincent Hospital, March 2010; Presenter, ‘Transitional Planning for the Elderly,’ National Association of Social Workers, Jacksonville Division, February 2010; Presenter, Clay County Council on Aging, ‘Prevention of Adult Exploitation,’ Green Cove Springs, Florida, February 11, 2010; Presenter, ‘National Association of Social Workers,’ Specialty Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida, January 19, 2010; Presenter, Florida Tax Section, ‘Certification Course, Individual Income Taxation,’ Orlando, Florida, November 3, 2009; Presenter, The Meeting House, ‘Transitional Planning,’ Taylor Care Assisted Living Facility, Jacksonville, Florida, October 24, 2009; Presenter, ‘Probate Avoidance and Transitional Planning,’ NAIFA (National Association of Investment and Financial Advisors), University Club, Jacksonville, Florida, September 23, 2009; Presenter, Oncology Support Group, ‘Transitional Planning,’ Brooks Rehabilitation Center, Jacksonville, Florida, September 14, 2009; Presenter, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid-CLE, ‘Spotting the Issues: Mental Illness, Capacity and Care,’ Jacksonville Public Library, November 7, 2008; Presenter, Smoak, Davis, CPA, ‘Long Term Care-Medicaid Partnership,’ Smoak Davis, Nira Street, Jacksonville, Florida, November 6, 2008; Presenter, Knights of Columbus, ‘Estate Planning Basics,’ Holy Spirit Church, September 18, 2008, Jacksonville, Florida; Presenter, Merrill Lynch Client Group, ‘Choice of Entity-Asset Protection,’ River Club, September 17, 2008, Jacksonville, Florida; Presenter, Business Student Club, ‘Life Planning,’ University of North Florida, September 16, 2008, Jacksonville, Florida; Presenter, ‘Basics of LTC-Partnership Program,’ Lincoln Financial Services, All State Meeting, September 4, 2008, Orlando, Florida; Radio News and Talk Show Guest, WFOY 1240, ‘Advance Directives and Elder Planning,’ August 7, 2008, Saint Augustine, Florida; Presenter, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Workshop, Small Business Association, ‘Choice of Entity,’ June 25, 2008, Jacksonville, Florida; Participating Presenter, Jacksonville Bar Tax Section, ‘Sniffing Out the Issues,’ provided by the Trust and Probate, Tax Law, Elder Law and Small Firm Sections, February 12, 2008, Florida Coastal School of Law, Jacksonville, Florida; Participating Presenter, Hospice of NE Florida, ‘Jim Towey Guest Lecturer, Author of Five Wishes, counsel to Mother Teresa,’ April 10, 2007, Radison Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida; Guest, PBS Television with Eric Smith, February 2007, Elder Law Issues, Jacksonville, Florida; Guest Interviewee, Jacksonville Business Journal, ‘Comments on CSX adv. State of Georgia tax litigation,’ January 17, 2007, Author: Rachael Witkowski; Presentation Materials and Presenter, ‘Northeast Florida Community Hospice, Day of Decision,’ MacClenny Chamber of Commerce, MacClenny Woman’s Club, October 24, 2006; Presentation Materials and Presenter, ‘Northeast Florida Community Hospice, Day of Decision,’ Jessie DuPont Auditorium, Baptist Medical Center, April 6, 2006; Guest Lecturer, ‘Bankruptcy Tax Issues under New 2005 Act,’ Florida Coastal School of Law, Professor Jagdeep Bhandari, March 30, 2006; Presentation Materials and Presenter, ‘Oncology Nursing Symposium and Nurses’ Exposure to Medical Malpractice,’ Baptists Primary Care Hospital, March 11, 2006, University of North Florida; Presentation Materials, ‘Lunch & Learn: Timely Topics for Tax Attorneys, Bankruptcy Tax,’ Telephonic Presenter for Florida Bar Tax Section, Florida Bar, January 2006; Guest Appearance, Fox 30, ‘Comments on Sole Source Contracting,’ November 14, 2005; Guest, WOKV 690AM, ‘Comments on the John Roberts Confirmation Hearings,’ September 9, 2005; Comments, provided editorial for the Times-Union, March 31, 2005, authored by business editor, Ryan, on the decision of Winn Dixie moving its bankruptcy filing to the Middle District of Florida; Comments, provided editorial for the Times-Union, March 21, 2005, authored by business editor, Mark Basch on the decision of Winn Dixie filing for bankruptcy protection in the Southern District of New York; Guest Appearance, Channel 4, March 19, 2005, commenting on the ‘Terri Schiavo and the Constitutionality of Recent Legislation Regarding the Reinsertion of Terri’s Feeding Tube,’ Jacksonville, Florida; Speaker, ‘Medical Standards of Care,’ Baptist Hospital, Oncology Group, University of Northern Florida, March 5, 2005; Keynote Speaker, ‘Pro Bono and Bridging the Gap with Those in Need,’ Three Rivers Legal Services, Florida Coastal School of Law, November 6, 2004; Guest Lecturer, ‘Medicaid and Homestead,’ Institute of General Practice, Florida Coastal School of Law, November 3, 2004; Presenter/Panelist, ‘Bankruptcy reform Act of 2003 and the Impact on Tax Discharge,’ Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar, October 31, 2004, Sawgrass, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida; Presenter, ‘Medical Advance Directives and the Terri Schiavo Matter,’ NE Community Hospice, October 16, 2004, Jacksonville, Florida; Presenter, ‘Choice of Business Entities and Basic Taxation,’ Heritage Institute, College of Massage, October 15, 2004, Jacksonville, Florida; Panelist, ‘ABA Bankruptcy-Tax Committee,’ January 2004, Kissimmee, Florida; Prepared Problem, ‘Florida Bar Tax Section Moot Court Competition,’ 2003-2004, Issue: Deductibility under a Marital Deduction Trust; Panelist, ‘Right to Die,’ Sponsored by the FCSL Democrat Society, November 20, 2003; Guest, Fox 30 Television, ‘Comments on Massachusetts’ Gay Rights Decision and its Possible Impact in Florida,’ November 18, 2003; Instructor, Junior Achievement, October and November, 2003; Participant, ‘Health Care Advance Directives,’ Glenmoor Residential Community Health Fair, October 30, 2003; Guest, Fox 30 Television, ‘Comments on Landlord-Tenant Rights,’ October 24, 2003; Presenter, Community Hospice of North East Florida, ‘Advance Directives Seminar,’ October 22, 2003; Guest, Fox 30 Television, ‘Comments on Living Wills and the Terri Schiavo decision,’ October 16, 2003; Presenter, ‘Advance Medical Directives Presentation,’ Northeast Florida Social Care Workers Association, February 2003; Presenter, 27th Annual Bankruptcy Law and Practice Seminar, Stetson College of Law, ‘An Overview of Bankruptcy Tax Cases Decided in 2001-2002,’ December 6-7, 2002; Participant, ‘Health Care Advance Directives,’ Glenmoor Residential Community Health Fair, November, 2002; Reporter, Mergers and Acquisitions, Center for International Legal Studies, ‘Securities and Finance,’ October 10-13, 2002, Salzburg, Austria; Speaker, Department of Children and Families, ‘Living Wills and Medical Advance Directives,’ October 3, 2002, Jacksonville, Florida; Speaker, Jacksonville Association of Health Underwriters, ‘Where are we One Year after Sept 11,’ September 11, 2002, San Jose Country Club; Guest, Fox 30 Television, ‘Comments on Cross Burning and the Supreme Court’s acceptance of cert.,’ June 20, 2002; Panel Speaker, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar Association, ‘9th Annual Bankruptcy Seminar,’ October 26, 2001; Speaker, ‘Advance Directives,’ Department of Children and Families, September 27, 2001; Speaker, ‘Issues with Property Distribution,’ radio discussion, Spring 2000; Speaker, ‘Advance Directives,’ Lone Star Methodist Church in November, 1999; Speaker, ‘Finance Issues Regarding Real Estate Transactions,’ Radio, AM 690, 1998. Service Articles and Presentations: Presenter, ‘Tax Practitioners’ Annual Review and Update,’ Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education, November 2010; ‘Planning for Elder Years,’ Daily Record, September 2010; Presenter, ‘IRS: We Got What it Takes to Take What you Got,’ Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education, April 2010; Presenter, ‘Tax Practitioners’ Annual review and Update,’ Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education, November, 2009; ‘Planning for Elder Years,’ Daily Record, October 2009; ‘Long Term Care,’ Daily Record, October 27, 2008. Partner, Proprietor and Managing Partner, 2008 , Senior Counsel, Attorneys at Law, P.A. Associate Professor of Law, Adjunct Professor, 1997-1998 and Full Time Professor, 1998 , Florida Coastal School of Law. Partner-Shareholder, Franson, Aldridge and Sands, P.A., Jacksonville, Florida, 1990-1998. Trial Attorney, Office of District Counsel, Internal Revenue Service, Jacksonville, Florida, 1986-1990. Special Assistant United States Attorney, Jacksonville, Florida, 1987-1990. Director, Board of Directors: Cathedral Foundation of Jacksonville, Inc., Cathedral Terrace, Inc., Cathedral Court, Inc., Urban Jacksonville, Inc., Center for Advanced Living, Inc., May 2000 ; Cathedral Gerontology Center, Inc., May 2000-2005; Wildlife Rescue Coalition, Inc., January 2009 ; Speech and Hearing Center, Inc., December 2002-2004. Secretary: Cathedral Foundation of Jacksonville, Inc., May 2000 ; Gerontology Center, Inc., October 2001-2005. President and Board of Directors, Elder Source in Action, Inc., January 2010 . Member, Bio-Ethics Committee, Community Hospice of Northeast Florida, 2002 . Treasurer, Speech and Hearing Center, Inc., March 2003. Member: Hospice of Northeast Florida, Ethics Committee; Law School Liaison, Florida Coastal School of Law, 2002-2003; Committee for Professional Service Review (Tax Exempt Compliance), Cathedral Foundation of Jacksonville, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida, 2001; Audit Committee, Cathedral Foundation of Jacksonville, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida, 2001; Long Range Planning, Law School Liaison, Florida Coastal School of Law, 1999-2000 and 2000-2001; Admissions and Scholarships Committee, Florida Coastal School of Law, Jacksonville, Florida, 1998-2002 and 2004-2008. Faculty Advisor of the FCSL Law Journal, 1999-2000; Academic Standards and Outputs Committee (at one time in conjunction with the Curriculum Planning Committee), Florida Coastal School of Law, Jacksonville, Florida, 1998-2002 and 2003-2004; Strategic Planning Committee, Florida Coastal School of Law, Jacksonville, Florida, 2002; Admissions Committee, 2002-2003 and 2004-2006; Re-admissions Committee, 2002-2003. Designated Coordinator of the LEAP program with Edward Waters College, and original author of the ‘3/3’ program, 1998-2000. Co-Chair Subcommittee for Minority Recruitment, Florida Coastal School of Law, March 31, 2006. Faculty Advisor for several student organizations on campus, including the Voluntary Income Tax Assistance program, the Guardian Ad Litem program, the Student republican Club, the Pro Bono organization, 2004-2006. Presenter of Property ‘POD’ for students preparing to take the Florida Bar Exam, 2005-2006. Volunteered with ‘Bar Prep Committee’ to assist students preparing to take the bar exam, Florida Coastal School of Law, April 9, 2006. |
Elder Law, Tax Controversy, Bankruptcy, Wills, Estates, ProbateMr. Jorgensen is the managing partner of Senior Counsel, Attorneys at Law, P.A. located in the historic 5 Points area in Jacksonville. He was admitted to the Florida bar in 1987 and earned his masters degree (LL.M.) in taxation from the University of Florida. Mr. Jorgensen started his career with Internal Revenue Service in 1986 and represented the IRS in both Tax Court and…
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