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Mike V. Darmante

Updated: May 31st, 2022 | Roanoke | Lawyer List M | Parks Zeigler PLLC - Attorneys at Law | Criminal Law, Personal Injury Law,

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Address: 25 Church Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24011
Lawyer Firm: Parks Zeigler PLLC
Phone: (540) 299-5299
Email: info@pzlaw.com
Website: https://www.pzlaw.com/location-roanoke/

First Year of Call
Areas of Practicepersonal injury lawyers, criminal defense lawyers, domestic violence lawyers, estate planning lawyers, business lawyers
DescriptionMike is a Roanoke, Virginia native and graduate of the College of William & Mary and the University of Richmond School of Law. While in law school, Mike served as a law clerk for the Honorable Judge Marcus H. Long, Jr. for the 27 Judicial Circuit, worked for the General Counsel’s Office for the Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc., and also spent a year working in the Washington and Lee University Tax Clinic. Mike began his legal career in Roanoke at a mid-sized firm and continues to practice in the area since joining Parks Zeigler, PLLC to start its Roanoke office.
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Parks Zeigler PLLC - Attorneys at Law

Parks Zeigler, PLLC began in January, 2012 as the Law Office of Kellam T. Parks, PLLC. Kellam left a large firm to give him the flexibility to integrate modern technologies into the practice of law, as well as to represent consumers needing assistance in addressing errors on their credit reports and victims of identity theft. After the firm added some staff and an associate attorney along the way, Brandon Zeigler joined as a co-owner in March,…

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