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Mike Waters

Updated: March 1st, 2021 | Colorado Springs | Lawyer List M | Waters Kubik and Cassens Attorneys at Law | Civil Litigation, Insurance Defense, Mediation, Personal Injury, Product Liability,

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Address: 707 South Tejon Street, Suite 200, colorado-springs, CO, 80903
Law Firm: Waters, Kubik and Cassens, Attorneys at Law
Phone: 719-355-7850
Website: https://www.lawfirmwkc.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Personal Injury, Mediation, Insurance Defense, Product Liability
DescriptionDuring his 36-year career as a lawyer, Mike has established a reputation as a skilled trial lawyer, litigator, and leader in the Colorado Springs legal community. He specializes in civil litigation, personal injury, contract law, and mediation. His past experience as an insurance adjustor adds to his perspective in the mediation of personal injury cases. Education Mike attended Kansas State University where he received a B.S. in Political Science and Business Administration (both cum laude). He graduated from Washburn Law School in 1980 and began practicing law with Rector, Rutherford, Mullen & Johnson in Colorado Springs, working on insurance defense and product liability cases. Experience Mike expanded his practice in Colorado Springs to general litigation, personal injury, contracts, and mediations. At Jones & Waters, he built a reputation as an exceptional trial lawyer and mediator a reputation that has solidified his position in the Colorado Springs legal community. Affiliations Mike sat on the Board of Governors for the Colorado Bar Association. He has also served as a trustee and treasurer of the El Paso County Bar Association. In addition to his roles in the legal community, Mike is a board member for Partners in Housing. After Hours When he isn’t in the courtroom or the boardroom, Mike spends his time in the outdoors with his wife. He recently finished climbing all of the 14ers in Colorado. He also enjoys biking, skiing and spending time with his numerous pets.
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Waters Kubik and Cassens Attorneys at Law

FIGHTING FOR YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS. We’ve Got Your Back. Call Now.At Waters, Kubik & Cassens, we provide you with exceptional legal representation protecting your legal interests and your bottom line. We pride ourselves on creating relationships with our clients built on trust and advancing a shared vision. We start with understanding you and your goals, then look at the larger picture and analyzing the situation to determine the most advant…

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