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Miriam Saffo

Updated: December 21st, 2021 | Ann Arbor | Lawyer List M | Nichols Sacks Slank Sendelbach Buiteweg & Solomon P.C. | Family Law,

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Address: 121 West Washington, Suite 300, ann-arbor, MI, 48104
Law Firm: Nichols, Sacks, Slank, Sendelbach, Buiteweg & Solomon, P.C.
Phone: 734-274-6807
Fax: (734) 994-1557
Website: http://www.nsssb.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law
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Nichols Sacks Slank Sendelbach Buiteweg & Solomon P.C.

Attorney at LawBecause these matters are so personal and often highly emotional, it helps to have experienced counsel who knows the legal system. With guidance, you can resolve legal issues in a way that minimizes the emotional stress for you and your family without compromising legal results. The law firm of Nichols, Sacks, Slank, Sendelbach, Buiteweg & Solomon, P.C. has helped families resolve legal issues related to: – Divorc…

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