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Mitchell Lapidus

Updated: June 3rd, 2023 | New York City | Lawyer List M | Propp Lapidus PLLC | Estate Planning, Taxation, Trusts and Estates,

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Address: 60 East 42nd Street, Suite 1420, new-york, NY, 10165
Law Firm: Propp Lapidus, PLLC
Phone: 212-986-7714
Fax: 212-687-0056
Website: http://www.pljlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTrusts and Estates, Estate Planning, Taxation
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa; Pi Sigma Alpha; Omicron Delta Epsilon. President, New York Tax Study Group, Inc., 2000-2006. Named, Worth Magazine, ‘Top 100 Attorneys Serving Clients’ Individual Needs,’ Dec. 2005.
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