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Nicole Gordon Still

Updated: October 4th, 2020 | Birmingham | Lawyer List N | Gordon Dana & Gilmore LLC |

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Address: 600 University Park Place, Suite 100, birmingham, AL, 35209-6775
Law Firm: Gordon, Dana & Gilmore, LLC
Phone: (205) 874-7950
Fax: 205-874-7960
Website: http://www.gattorney.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Law, General Civil Litigation, Business Litigation, Construction Law, Landlord and Tenant Law, Personal Injury, Securities, Commercial Litigation
DescriptionBench and Bar Legal Honor Society. Recipient, George Peach Taylor Award for Excellence in Advocacy, 1996 and 1997.
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Gordon Dana & Gilmore LLC

We Are The Law Firm To Help You Protect Your Assets.Gordon, Dana & Gilmore, LLC’s mission is to offer its attorneys’ attention and resources exclusively to the practice of business and corporate law and litigation arising out of business relationships.Gordon, Dana & Gilmore, LLC is the preferred law firm for the handling and referral of sensitive business, personal and litigation matters that require troubleshooting expertise as w…

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