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Offer Korin

Updated: November 23rd, 2022 | Indianapolis | Lawyer List O | Katz Korin Cunningham | Employment, Labor Law, Litigation,

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Address: 334 North Senate Avenue, indianapolis, IN, 46204
Law Firm: Katz Korin Cunningham
Phone: 317-643-5239
Fax: 317-464-1111
Website: http://www.kkclegal.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLabor Law, Employment, Litigation
DescriptionOffer Korin, a co-founding shareholder of Katz Korin Cunningham PC, heads the firm’s business litigation practice, concentrating on complex business disputes. He represents clients in all Indiana state and federal courts, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, U.S. Fourth Circuit, U.S. Seventh Circuit and the United States Supreme Court, as well as other jurisdictions on a pro hac vice bases. Mr. Korin is extensively involved in the firm’s business practice and represents management, as well as employees, in a variety of employment relations cases.
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Katz Korin Cunningham

Our clients range from Fortune 500 businesses to mid-size and closely-held corporations, from hospitals and health care providers to real estate developers and lenders, and everything in between.We are committed to providing you with reliable service. Katz Korin Cunningham, is a respected law firm advocating for individuals in employment matters and providing mediation services in employment related disputes. Based in Indianapolis, we are…

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