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Paola Pearson

Updated: June 27th, 2021 | Philadelphia | Lawyer List P | Anapol Weiss | Catastrophic Injury,

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Address: 130 North 18th Street, Suite 1600, philadelphia, PA, 19103
Law Firm: Anapol Weiss
Phone: 215-790-4554
Fax: 215-735-2024
Website: http://www.anapolschwartz.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCatastrophic Injury
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Anapol Weiss

Everyone Deserves JusticeAnapol Weiss is a national leader in personal injury, product liability and pharmaceutical litigation, having successfully litigated thousands of cases in state and federal courts during the last 36 years. The firm has obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in successful verdicts, settlements and judgments on behalf of its clients.

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