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Paul B. Cromelin

Updated: May 21st, 2022 | Washington | Lawyer List P | Craighill Mayfield Fenwick & Cromelin L.L.P. | Estate Planning, Probate Law, Trusts,

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Address: 4910 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 215, washington, DC, 20016-4368
Law Firm: Craighill, Mayfield, Fenwick & Cromelin, L.L.P.
Phone: 202-364-4242 ext- 14
Fax: 202-966-1078
Website: http://www.craighillmayfield.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Probate Law, Trusts
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Craighill Mayfield Fenwick & Cromelin L.L.P.

Estate Planning & Wealth PreservationAre you looking to draft your last will and testament? Or are you involved in a probate dispute and in need of aggressive legal representation? Do you have an estate planning issue? Craighill, Mayfield, Fenwick & Cromelin, L.L.P. can help. Established in 1898, our firm represents clients in estate planning, wills and trusts, and probate in Washington, D.C. and throughout Maryland and Northern Virginia….

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