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Paul H. Townsend

Updated: July 11th, 2021 | Whippany | Lawyer List P | Townsend Tomaio & Newmark L.L.C. | Family Law,

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Address: 100 South Jefferson Road, Suite 200, whippany, NJ, 07981
Law Firm: Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C.
Phone: 973-796-3939
Fax: 973-539-4151
Website: https://www.ttnlaw.com

TitleFounding Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law
DescriptionNominated to SuperLawyers List 2005 to 2019 Our attorneys have received the honor of being included in the Super Lawyers and/or Super Lawyers Rising Stars list(s) published by Thomson Reuters, relative to being divorce attorneys. The dates of their inclusion are noted above. Video Coverage Paul Townsend litigating in the landmark NJ Supreme Court decision of Bisbing v Bisbing Classes/Seminars Lecturer, Divorce & Business, Seton Hall University, 1997 1998 Lecturer, Institute for Continuing Legal Education, Family Law Institute, 2000 2001 Professional Associations and Memberships Essex County Bar Association, 1992 1996 Somerset County Bar Association, Member, Executive Family Law Committee, 1992 1995 Union County Bar Association, Member, 1996 2000 Morris County Bar Association, Member, 2000 Present American Society of Legal Advocates, 2015 Present Past Employment Positions Hartlaub, Dotten, Terry & Townsend, P.C., Summit, New Jersey, Partner, 1996 2000 Hannoch Weisman, P.C., Roseland, New Jersey, Senior Associate Attorney, 1992 1996 Thatcher & Lanza, Attorneys, Flemington, New Jersey, Associate Attorney, 1990 1992 James P. Yudes, Attorneys, Springfield, New Jersey, Associate Attorney, 1989 1990 Frank J. Stanley, Esq., Somerville, New Jersey, Associate Attorney and Law Clerk Pro Bono Activities Matrimonial Early Settlement Panelist, Morris, Somerset and Essex Counties Attorney for Summit Junior League, 2000
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Townsend Tomaio & Newmark L.L.C.

Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C., is one of the largest family law practices in New Jersey. Our firm is equipped to handle small cases cost-effectively, but we have the resources and reputation to handle more complex matters as well.As a firm of seasoned family law attorneys, Townsend, Tom…

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