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Paul W. Barnett

Updated: October 31st, 2021 | Arlington | Lawyer List P | Manning & Murray P.C. |

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Address: 6045 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300, arlington, VA, 22205
Law Firm: Manning & Murray, P.C.
Phone: 703-532-5400 ext- 5
Fax: 703.532.6351
Website: http://www.manning-murray.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeWills, Probate, Trusts and Estates, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Elder Law, Guardianship, Conservatorship
DescriptionPhi Kappa Phi; Order of the Coif. Member, Louisiana Law Review.
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Manning & Murray P.C.

Founded in 1988, Manning & Murray, P.C. assists with numerous legal challenges, including Trusts and Estates issues. From our office in Arlington, the firm’s attorneys deliver exceptional counsel and service to Northern Virginia clients.

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