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Peter B. Kunin

Updated: February 25th, 2021 | Burlington | Lawyer List P | Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC | Trademarks,

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Address: Courthouse Plaza, burlington, VT, 05402-0190
Law Firm: Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC
Phone: 802-662-3916
Fax: 802-862-7512
Website: http://www.drm.com

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTrademarks
DescriptionEditor-in-Chief, Cornell Law Review, 1990-1991. Law Clerk to Hon. James L. Oakes, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, 1991-1992. Speaker: ‘Buying Business Software: The Legal Perspective,’ Marlboro College Graduate Center’s ‘What’s Next?’ Conference, 2003; ‘Software License and Services Agreements,’ Vermont Software Developer’s Association, 2004; ‘Trademark and Copyright Issues,’ Small Business Development Corporation, 2005; ‘Internet Legal Issues,’ Burlington Interactive Group, 2005; ‘Effective Use of UDRP Proceedings in Domain Name Disputes,’ and Moderator, International Trademark Association Annual Meeting, 2005; ‘Intellectual Property Basics for the Non-Intellectual Property Lawyer,’ Vermont Bar Association, Montreal, Quebec, 2006; ‘Trademark and Copyright Basics,’ Invent Vermont, 2007; ‘Trademark Basics,’ Vermont Bar Association Annual Meeting, 2007; ‘Protection for Foreign Trademarks Under U.S. Trademark Law,’ U.S. Department of State, International Visitor Leadership Program, 2008. Adjunct Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Vermont Law School, 1996 .
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