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Peter Blair

Updated: December 27th, 2022 | San Diego | Lawyer List P | Law Office of Peter Blair |

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Address: 401 West A Street, Suite 1420, san-diego, CA, 92101
Law Firm: Law Office of Peter Blair
Phone: 619-375-1506
Website: https://www.blairdefense.com

TitleFounding Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Law, Felonies, Assault and Battery, DUI/DWI, Domestic Violence, Sex Crimes, Drug Crimes, Burglary, Insurance Fraud, White Collar Crime, Expungements, Sexual Assault, Fraud, Theft, Weapons Charges
DescriptionAt the Law Office of Peter Blair, we understand that choosing the right criminal defense attorney for your case is critical. Your choice of attorney will undoubtedly have a considerable impact on how your situation plays out. Having represented thousands of clients, Mr, Blair is well aware that feelings of panic can be overwhelming. Our primary goal is to fight aggressively on your behalf to ensure you move beyond your case towards a successful future and a clean record. Mr. Blair works closely with you, keeping the channels of communication open so that you correctly understand your circumstances, the legal process and what to expect. Mr. Blair prides himself on his knowledge of statutes and precedents and works hard to achieve the best possible outcome for every client he represents. Mr. Blair continues to receive the highest honors in the areas of legal ability, experience, industry recognition, and professional conduct.Mr. Blair is the leading 10.0 AVVO-rated lawyer, receiving top marks from clients and attorneys, has been named a Top 40 Under 40 by The National Trial Lawyers, as well as a Top Lawyer in California by the Legal Network, noting his commitment to ethical standards and professional excellence.
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Law Office of Peter Blair

We understand being arrested & charged with a criminal act can be devastating to individuals and families. Our firm utilizes every opportunity in the criminal prosecution to ensure the charges against you are reduced or dismissed. Call 24/7Based in San Diego, the Law Office of Peter B…

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