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Peter C. Nechtem

Updated: November 12th, 2022 | Peabody | Lawyer List P | MacLean Holloway Doherty & Sheehan P.C. | Litigation,

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Address: 8 Essex Center Drive, peabody, MA, 01960
Law Firm: MacLean Holloway Doherty & Sheehan, P.C.
Phone: 978-774-7123
Fax: 978-774-7164
Website: http://www.mhdpc.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation
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MacLean Holloway Doherty & Sheehan P.C.

Broad range of legal services to individual and business clients.Founded in 1967, MacLean Holloway Doherty & Sheehan, P.C., is one of the largest Massachusetts law firms outside of Boston. Combining the sophistication of a full-service firm with the convenience of a North Shore location, we offer a broad range of legal services to individual and business clients. The principles which guide our practice are simply stated: we w…

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