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Phillip M. Adleson

Updated: May 29th, 2023 | Campbell | Lawyer List P | Adleson Hess & Kelly A Professional Corporation | Civil Practice, Foreclosures, Workouts,

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Address: 577 Salmar Avenue, Second Floor, campbell, CA, 95008-1454
Law Firm: Adleson, Hess & Kelly A Professional Corporation
Phone: (408) 341-0234
Website: http://www.ahk-law.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeForeclosures, Workouts, Civil Practice
DescriptionResearch Attorney for Justice Margaret J. Morris, California Court of Appeal, District IV, Div. II. Articles published in the United Trustees Association (UTA) Quarterly, 1983 – present; UTA E-News; California Mortgage Association (CMA) Quarterly, 1999 – present; Servicing Management Magazine; California Land Title Association Newsletter; and many other publications. Licensed California Real Estate Broker. Frequent lecturer and speaker in all aspects of real estate, business law, foreclosure, workout and modification agreements, distressed sales, exchanges and sales, ethical and legal aspects of real estate transactions, mortgage lending, state and federal regulation of lenders and/or real estate licensees. Former instructor of business law and continuing education courses at DeAnza Community College, Cupertino, CA. Former continuing education instructor in real estate at San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. Has testified before the California State Legislature on foreclosure laws. Frequently testifies as an expert witness in civil and criminal matters regarding foreclosure, lending and other real estate matters. Frequent speaker and panelist at various real estate and foreclosure courses and seminars, hosted by, e.g., the Santa Clara County Bar Association, the United Trustees Association, the California Mortgage Bankers Association, REOMAC, and the California Mortgage Association. Former President, current Corporate Counsel and Director of the United Trustees Association. Past director and legislative chair for the California Trustees Association, Bay Area Chapter. Corporate Counsel for the California Mortgage Association (CMA). Northern California Super Lawyers, Super Lawyer in real estate, 2004-2006, 2008-2010.
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Adleson Hess & Kelly A Professional Corporation

Our seasoned attorneys are experienced in numerous phases of the practice of law, including federal and state trial court litigation, class actions, administrative hearings, arbitration, mediation and appellate practice.Our FirmLocated in the heart of Silicon Valley, we at Adleson, Hess and Kelly are proud to have been consistently honored by our peers with the highest rating from Martindale-Hubbell for legal skill an…

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