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Pratheep Sevanthinathan

Updated: October 9th, 2023 | Troy | Lawyer List P | Seva Law Firm | Personal Injury,

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Address: 1050 Wilshire Drive, Suite 335, troy, MI, 48084-1564
Law Firm: Seva Law Firm
Phone: 248-952-8965
Fax: 248-457-5009
Website: https://www.sevafirm.com

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury
DescriptionMr. Sevanthinathan is the owner and founder of the Seva Law Firm. He passionately advocates for his clients on a multitude of issues. Pratheep represents million dollar corporations as well as indigent individuals, and does so with the same high level of devotion, zeal, and enthusiasm for every single client. While other attorneys will choose to highlight their achievements on their website, Pratheep will allow his reputation and results speak for him (Google him, there is only one Pratheep Sevanthinathan). Rather, Pratheep wants to focus on a fact that he is much more proud of: Pratheep always returns client phone calls! If you hire the Seva Law Firm, and you need to speak with Mr. Seva about an issue, he will call you back with 24-hours. Mr. Seva prides himself in his client relations, and will ensure that each client receives individualized attention whether the case is worth $1 or $1,000,000. Need more information on Mr. Sevanthinathan? Ask us for client references corporate or individual and we will happily provide. Awards And Publications Pratheep was one of only four attorneys selected in Oakland County’s Elite 40 Under 40. General Litigation, Personal Injury General, Rising Stars 2015 2017
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Seva Law Firm

The Seva Law Firm is one of the largest and most successful law firms representing plaintiffs in the State of Michigan. Our team is comprised of eight passionate, aggressive, and intelligent attorneys and a friendly staff that is diligent and caring.Through the years, we have secured over $100,000,000.00 in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Our firm is also not afraid to take cases to trial, and the insurance companies know this…

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