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R. Sean Hocking

Updated: October 5th, 2020 | Mattoon | Lawyer List R | Craig & Craig LLC | Civil Litigation, Intellectual Property, Products Liability, Trademark,

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Address: 1807 Broadway, mattoon, IL, 61938-0689
Law Firm: Craig & Craig, LLC
Phone: 217-234-6481
Fax: 217-234-6486
Website: http://www.craiglaw.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Products Liability, Intellectual Property, Trademark
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Craig & Craig LLC

Preeminent Law Firm Serving Clients Throughout IllinoisThe Firm was founded in 1868 and has been practicing continuously since then at the same location in Mattoon. The Mt. Vernon office was opened in 1986. Over the decades, the Firm has played a significant part in developing the law of drainage districts; oil, gas, coal and other minerals; real property; and personal injury and insurance in Illinois. The Firm’s philosophy is to prov…

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