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Ramiro J. Lluis

Updated: February 4th, 2022 | Los Angeles | Lawyer List R | Lluis Law | Criminal Defense,

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Address: 205 South Broadway, Suite 1000, los-angeles, CA, 90012
Law Firm: Lluis Law
Phone: 213-481-6653
Website: https://www.lluislaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Defense
DescriptionRamiro J. Lluis has been representing clients in criminal actions for over 40 years and has represented Immigrants for over 25 years. As an experienced attorney in both areas of the law. Mr. Lluis has become invaluable to his clients, especially in Los Angeles where many of our clients have Immigration status.
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Lluis Law

Criminal Defense and Immigration Lawyers serving Southern California with 50 years experience.Lluis Law has over 50 years of combined experience serving the Los Angeles community in criminal, immigration and civil law. Since its inception, Lluis Law has maintained the same office location for over 40 years.Lluis Law has dedicated itself in protecting the rights of our clients to the fullest extent of the law and providing the la…

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