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Randolph M. Fowler

Updated: September 3rd, 2020 | Tuscaloosa | Lawyer List R | Phelps Jenkins Gibson & Fowler L.L.P. | Banking Law, Commercial Transactions,

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Address: 1201 Greensboro Avenue (35401), tuscaloosa, AL, 35402-0848
Law Firm: Phelps, Jenkins, Gibson & Fowler, L.L.P.
Phone: 205-535-1054
Fax: 205-758-4394
Website: http://www.pjgf.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBanking Law, Commercial Transactions
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi.
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Phelps Jenkins Gibson & Fowler L.L.P.

Attorneys at Law, est. 1967Phelps, Jenkins, Gibson & Fowler, L.L.P., one of West Alabama’s largest and oldest law firms, provides a broad range of legal services to individual, corporate, and institutional clients statewide. The firm is large enough to offer diverse legal expertise yet small enough to be hands-on, with senior partners directly involved in a high percentage of cases. The firm was officially organized in 1968 by senior p…

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