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Raymond L. Baribeault

Updated: January 11th, 2022 | New London | Lawyer List R | Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law | Real Estate,

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Address: 2 Union Plaza, Suite 200, new-london, CT, 06320
Law Firm: Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law
Phone: 860-865-0649
Fax: 860-442-0495
Website: http://www.suismanshapiro.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate
DescriptionRaymond L. Baribeault, Jr. is a Director who concentrates his practice in the areas of business law, real estate and bankruptcies. He is a member of the Connecticut Bar Association (1989) and the Rhode Island Bar Association (1991). Mr. Baribeault received his B.S. in Finance from the University of Connecticut, Magna Cum Laude, 1986 and his J.D. from the Vermont Law School, Magna Cum Laude, 1989. While at Vermont Law School Mr. Baribeault was an Editor of the Vermont Law Review. He is a member of the Connecticut, New London and Rhode Island Bar Associations. He also is a member of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys and the New England Land Title Association. Mr. Baribeault resides in his hometown of Norwich, Connecticut where he serves on the Boards of Directors of Madonna Place, Inc. and The Otis Library. He is the Chairman of the Norwich Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission. Mr. Baribeault is also a board member of The Arc of New London County, and an active member of the Norwich Rotary Club. Areas of Practice Business / Commercial Law Real Estate Bankruptcy / Foreclosure Published Works ‘Insider Trading: The Current Move Toward Increasing Civil and Criminal Liability for an Ill-Defined Crime and the Need for a Definition’, Vermont Law Review, Summer, 1989 Honors and Awards University of Connecticut Outstanding Performance Award, Finance Secretary, Phi Alpha Delta, 1987-1988 Professional Associations and Memberships American Bar Association, Member New London County Bar Association, Member Connecticut Bar Association, Member, 1989 Norwich Rotary Club, Member Norwich Heritage Discovery Center, Inc., Boards of Directors Rhode Island Bar Association, 1991 National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, Member New England Land Title Association, Member Pro Bono Activities Member, Norwich Rotary Club Fraternities/Sororities Phi Alpha Delta Delta Sigma Pi
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The largest law firm in eastern Connecticut, serving the community for over 75 years with a wide range of legal services.Since Charles Suisman, Max Shapiro and Louis Wool established themselves as skilled Connecticut attorneys in the 1930’s and collaborated in the 1950’s to form our firm, we have been protecting the interests of citizens and businesses in eastern Connecticut and beyond. As our firm has grown, our attorneys have continued…

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