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Rebecca J. Maas

Updated: January 21st, 2022 | Indianapolis | Lawyer List R | Fisher Maas Howard Lloyd & Wheeler P.C. | Construction Law, Construction Litigation, Insurance Defense, Personal Injury, Premises Liability,

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Address: 9765 Randall Drive, Suite F, indianapolis, IN, 46280
Law Firm: Fisher Maas Howard Lloyd & Wheeler P.C.
Phone: 317-643-5220
Fax: 317-578-1330
Website: http://www.smithfisher.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeInsurance Defense, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Construction Litigation, Construction Law
DescriptionLecturer: ‘Cross-Examining the Plaintiffs’ Doctor and The Defense Independent Medical Examination,’ ICLEF, 1998; ‘Mastering Medical Litigation & Concepts – Temporo-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ),’ ICLEF, 1998; ‘Proving and Challenging Damages,’ ICLEF, 1999; ‘School Liability,’ Lutheran National Conference, 2000; ‘School Liability,’ Lutheran South Conference, 2003. Instructor, Illinois/Indiana Trial Academy, February 2004, January 2005 and January 2006.
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Fisher Maas Howard Lloyd & Wheeler P.C.

People you know. Experience you trust.Established in 1993, the law firm of Fisher Maas Howard Lloyd & Wheeler P.C. offers legal services throughout the state of Indiana. This Bar Register listed firm is a state-certified woman owned business, a member of the National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) and WBENC. The firm’s defense trial practice covers most areas of tort and contract law.

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