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Rebecca L. Golbert

Updated: May 10th, 2023 | Los Angeles | Lawyer List R | Golbert & Associates |

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Address: 601 West Fifth Street, 8th Floor, los-angeles, CA, 90071
Law Firm: Golbert & Associates
Phone: 213-891-9641
Website: http://www.golbertlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTaxation, Appellate Practice, Business Law, Tax Law, Corporate Taxation, Corporate, Mergers and Acquisitions, Business Formation, Mediation, Contracts, Arbitration
DescriptionThe Law and Taxation of International Trade and InvestmentWe advise companies and individuals on how best to structure and organize their businesses and organizations to achieve their financial goals and business purposes.
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Golbert & Associates

The Law and Taxation of International Trade and InvestmentWe advise companies and individuals on how best to structure and organize their businesses and organizations to achieve their financial goals and business purposes.

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