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Reese Rodman Boyd

Updated: September 11th, 2020 | Myrtle Beach | Lawyer List R | Davis & Boyd LLC | Civil Litigation, Estate Planning, Insurance, Personal Injury,

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Address: 1110 London Street, Suite 201, myrtle-beach, SC, 29577-5799
Law Firm: Davis & Boyd, LLC
Phone: 877-437-5309
Fax: 843-839-9801
Website: http://www.davislawfirm.us

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeInsurance, Personal Injury, Civil Litigation, Estate Planning
DescriptionReese Boyd III* is a native of Conway and has practiced law in HorryCounty for twelve years. Boyd’s legal practice focuses on commercialdisputes and general civil litigation, probate, trust and estatelitigation, business formations and consulting, as well as aviation law andconsulting. Boyd’s aviation practice includes representation of FAR Part121 and 135 certified air carriers, Part 129 foreign air carriers, and Part380 tour operators, as well as aircraft owners, FBO operators, andindividual airmen. Boyd has represented both buyers and sellers in largecommercial aircraft transactions.Before entering private practice, Boyd previously served as vice presidentand counsel to a large asset management and financial services firm inBoston, Massachusetts. Prior to that he served as counsel to former SouthCarolina Governor Carroll A. Campbell, Jr., both as Legal Counsel to theGovernor in the S.C. Governor’s Office, and during Campbell’s tenure asChairman of the American Council of Life Insurers in Washington, D.C.Boyd earned a B.A. in Economics from Davidson College, and later receivedhis law degree from the University of South Carolina School of Law, wherehe was selected as a member of the Moot Court Bar and received an AmericanJurisprudence award for Appellate Advocacy. Boyd is a member of the SouthCarolina Bar, and is admitted to the U.S. District Court for the Districtof South Carolina, as well as the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. Boyd wasawarded the Order of the Palmetto for his work in state government byformer South Carolina Governor Carroll A. Campbell, Jr.
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Davis & Boyd LLC

Welcome to the Davis & Boyd, LLC of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; an estate planning, elder law and transactional law firm. We have been assisting clients with legal solutions since 1996. Our areas of focus include Estate Planning, Asset Protection, Elder Law, Medicaid and VA Benefits Planning, Special Needs Planning, Probate, Tax, Corporate/LLC, and Commercial and Residential Real Estate. We are licensed to practice law in both South Carol…

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