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Renita M. Jolley

Updated: November 20th, 2022 | Boulder | Lawyer List R | Packard and Dierking LLC |

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Address: WaterStreet, 2595 Canyon Boulevard, Suite 200, boulder, CO, 80302-6737
Law Firm: Packard and Dierking, LLC
Phone: 303-447-0450
Fax: 303-447-0451
Website: http://www.packarddierking.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Real Estate Finance, Zoning, Planning and Land Use, Corporate Law, Business Transactions
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Packard and Dierking LLC

At PackardDierking we practice law with the purpose of providing exceptionally responsive, creative, & practical solutions to your problems. We are a small law firm with big law firm credentials.Packard and Dierking, LLC focuses its practice on the representation of clients engaged in sophisticated commercial real estate transactions, businesses engaging in a wide array of domestic and international operations, and antitrust, environmenta…

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