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Richard G. Tulley

Updated: June 13th, 2022 | Crawfordsville | Lawyer List R | Capper Tulley & Reimondo | Litigation, Probate Law, Real Estate Law,

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Address: 131 North Green Street, crawfordsville, IN, 47933-1708
Law Firm: Capper, Tulley & Reimondo
Phone: 765-362-7340
Fax: 765-362-5023
Website: http://www.capperlaw.info

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeProbate Law, Real Estate Law, Litigation
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta. Member of Staff, Indiana Law Journal, 1961-1962. Prosecuting Attorney, Montgomery County, 1971-1974. City Attorney, City of Crawfordsville, Indiana, 1988-2003.
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Capper Tulley & Reimondo

Providing general practice of law to Montgomery and surrounding counties.Established in 1907, Capper Tulley & Reimondo has provided residents and businesses of Central and West Central Indiana with sound legal advice and pragmatic solutions to their legal matters. Capper Tulley & Reimondo is a full-service law firm with a diversified practice that encompasses many areas of the law.

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