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Robert A. McMahon

Updated: October 17th, 2021 | Cincinnati | Lawyer List R | Eberly McMahon Copetas LLC | Business Litigation, Collections, Commercial Litigation, Creditors Rights, Real Estate Litigation,

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Address: 2245 Gilbert Ave., Suite 101, cincinnati, OH, 45206-3000
Law Firm: Eberly McMahon Copetas LLC
Phone: 513-924-4609
Fax: 513-533-3554
Website: http://www.emclawyers.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Litigation, Business Litigation, Collections, Creditors Rights, Real Estate Litigation
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Eberly McMahon Copetas LLC

Eberly McMahon Copetas LLC is a law firm based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The firm represents businesses and individuals throughout Ohio, Kentucky and southeast Indiana, focusing on Business & Commercial Litigation and Employment Law.The firm’s attorneys have experience representing clients in a wide variety of matters, including: general business and commercial litigation; employment disputes, including non-competition and trade secrets claims, emp…

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