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Robert A. Sanders

Updated: April 24th, 2021 | Santa Cruz | Lawyer List R | Witzig Hannah Sanders & Reagan LLP |

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Address: 600 Ocean Street, santa-cruz, CA, 95060
Law Firm: Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP
Phone: 831-425-2835
Fax: 831-425-2839
Website: http://www.whsllp.com

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Witzig Hannah Sanders & Reagan LLP

Workers’ Compensation Defense for California Employers and Insurance CarriersWitzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP was founded on June 1, 1997 as a successor law firm to Gassett, Perry & Frank, where all of the founding Partners practiced together. All of our Partners and are Certified Specialists in Workers’ Compensation. Collectively, our attorneys have over 100 years of experience in representing insurance companies, third party adm…

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