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Robert E. Diehl

Updated: March 18th, 2021 | Hays | Lawyer List R | Dreiling Bieker & Hoffman LLP | Criminal Defense, Domestic Relations, General Civil Litigation,

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Address: 111 West 13th Street, hays, KS, 67601-3613
Law Firm: Dreiling, Bieker & Hoffman, LLP
Phone: 785-625-3537
Fax: 785-625-8129

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeGeneral Civil Litigation, Domestic Relations, Criminal Defense
DescriptionEllis County Attorney, 1982-1985.
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Dreiling Bieker & Hoffman LLP

The firm was founded when Norbert R. Dreiling opened his office in 1949. Following his commitment to deliver superior legal service in a timely manner and to be powerful advocates and devoted counselors, the firm members today serve a wide variety of individual and corporation clients. Members serve on the board of numerous corporations and trusts and various not-for-profit entities including Hays Medical Center, local school and charitable found…

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