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Robert Greer

Updated: May 10th, 2021 | San Jose | Lawyer List R | Law Offices of Steven A. Dinneen P.C. |

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Address: 607 North First Street, san-jose, CA, 95112
Law Firm: Law Offices of Steven A. Dinneen P.C.
Phone: 408-498-9907
Fax: 408-659-8191
Website: http://www.dinneenlaw.com

TitleSenior Associate
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Premarital Agreements, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Family Mediation, Child Support, Spousal Support, Child Custody, Paternity
DescriptionRobert S. Greer, Jr. has lived and worked in the Bay Area his entire his life. He graduated with Honors from the University of California, Berkeley, and subsequently attended University of California, Hastings College of the Law. While he has experience and success representing clients in a variety of civil matters, he primarily practices Family Law. He is a strong advocate for his clients. He maintains a dedication to providing the highest quality of service in an effective manner. He takes pride in his work and in his ability to offer clients a genuine opportunity to achieve an outcome that reflects the justice of their cause. Mr. Greer often draws on his experience as an All American collegiate athlete. In his free time, he can be found training for a marathon or an open water swim.
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Law Offices of Steven A. Dinneen P.C.

Serving Clients in Communities Throughout the Bay Area.When you hire a professional, you want more than just skill to get the job done. Trust, reliability, and commitment to excellence are also key factors.Hiring a lawyer to help you resolve your family law challenges is no different. Effective, compassionate representation is at the heart of our family law practice. Hiring a Divorce Lawyer Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful…

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