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Robert J. Fenstersheib

Updated: June 5th, 2021 | Hallandale | Lawyer List R | Fenstersheib Law Group P.A. |

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Address: 520 W. Hallandale Beach Boulevard, hallandale, FL, 33009
Law Firm: Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A.
Phone: 855-807-6997
Fax: 954-456-2588
Website: http://www.tellrobert.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBicycle Accidents, Boating Accidents, Bus Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Brain Injury, Wrongful Death
DescriptionRobert acquired his Juris Doctor Degree from the Cooley Law School in Michigan and attended the University of Florida where he received a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He was admitted to practice in the state of Florida, the United States District Court for the Southern, Middle and Northern Districts of Florida. Since his admission to the Florida Bar in 1980, he has handled in excess of 30,000 cases with an extraordinary success rate and a reputation for taking cases that other attorneys drop or those cases that no other attorney in his practice field will take. Mr. Fenstersheib’s vast skills and knowledge have made him a leading Florida lawyer. Robert Fenstersheib is a member of the Florida Bar Association and the South Broward County Bar Association. Mr. Fenstersheib is on the Board of Directors for the Police Athletic League (PAL) in Hallandale and a supporter and contributor to local community and sports organizations. He is frequently a guest lecturer to law students and to civic groups and organizations.
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Fenstersheib Law Group P.A.

We believe that each and every case we represent is truly an injury team effort and your justice is our justice, and with the right team behind you, you can win in this legal system.If you or a loved one have suffered any type of personal injury, you may have legal recourses. The skilled and experienced attorneys at the Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A. have been helping protect the legal rights of accident victims in South Florida for more th…

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