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Robert K. Butterfield

Updated: March 4th, 2024 | San Diego | Lawyer List R | Butterfield Schechter LLP | Estate Planning, Tax Law,

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Address: 10021 Willow Creek Road, Suite 200, san-diego, CA, 92131-1603
Law Firm: Butterfield Schechter LLP
Phone: 858-935-8515
Fax: 858-444-2345
Website: http://www.bsllp.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Tax Law
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta (Justice, 1976-1977). Member, San Diego Law Review, 1976-1977. Instructor, University of California at San Diego, 1983-1991, 2002. President, Western Pension Conference, San Diego Chapter, 1984-1986.
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Butterfield Schechter LLP

Focused on Employee Benefits Law; Helping you see ERISA issues clearly.Founded in 1998 by Robert K. Butterfield and Marc S. Schechter, Butterfield Schechter LLP is San Diego County’s largest firm focusing its law practice primarily on employee benefit plan matters. The attorneys at Butterfield Schechter LLP are dedicated to offering top-quality legal services. The commitment of the Firm’s attorneys to provide excellent service, together w…

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