Updated: August 10th, 2021 | Reston | Lawyer List R | Whitham & Cook P.C. | Intellectual Property, Litigation,
The current rating on Robert N. Cook is
And receives 26 page views
Address: 11491 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 340, reston, VA, 20190
Law Firm: Whitham & Cook, P.C.
Phone: 703-787-9400
Fax: 703-787-7557
Website: http://www.wcc-ip.com
Title | Member |
First Year of Call | |
Areas of Practice | Intellectual Property, Litigation |
Description | Phi Delta Phi. George Mason University School of Law Alumni Scholar. Author: ‘Following the E-Paper Trail: Responding to Second Requests’ (ABA Antitrust Teleseminar Series, March 12, 2004), ‘Negotiated Merger Remedies: An Imperfect System Without Alternatives?’ (ABA Antitrust Section, Clayton Act Committee Newsletter, December 2002), ‘The ‘Paperless’ Second Request?’ (ABA Antitrust Section, FTC Committee Newsletter, Summer 2002), and ‘AOL/Time Warner: The Close Antitrust Call and the Changing of the Guard at the FTC’ (Antitrust Report, May 2001). Panelist: FTC/DOJ Hearings ‘Competition and Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the Knowledge-Based Economy’ (2002). |
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