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Roberto C. Rodriguez Poventud

Updated: July 1st, 2021 | San Juan | Lawyer List R | Bobonis Bobonis & Rodriguez Poventud | Administrative Law, Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Tax Law,

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Address: 129 De Diego Avenue, san-juan, PR, 00911-1927
Law Firm: Bobonis, Bobonis & Rodriguez Poventud
Phone: 787-725-7941
Fax: 787-725-4245
Website: http://www.bobonislawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTax Law, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Administrative Law
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Bobonis Bobonis & Rodriguez Poventud

A Law firm established in 1980.Bobonis, Bobonis & Rodriguez Poventud is a full-service law firm founded in 1980. It offers a wide range of legal services to a clientele which comprises local, national and multinational corporations.

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