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Ronald Houdyshell

Updated: December 19th, 2020 | Austin | Lawyer List R | Houdyshell + Partners LLC |

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Address: 1250 Capital of Texas Highway South, austin, TX, 78746
Law Firm: Houdyshell + Partners, LLC
Phone: 512-518-5413
Fax: 512-628-3798
Website: http://www.houdyshell.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionI began my practice of law as a commercial trial lawyer, first as an associate attorney, and then as a partner with large law firms, first in Dallas, and later in Austin.During my time as a trial lawyer, I often represented companies or individuals in business disputes, and in doing so, came to appreciate that successful business projects have certain common elements. They are well planned, and their agreements and documentation are likewise well thought out and crafted.Now that I practice mostly as a transactional lawyer, my primary job is to listen to my client’s plans, questions and concerns, and to then provide knowledgeable recommendations as to how they might best proceed with their projects. Once a client makes a decision to proceed with a project, I recommend and draft those agreements and other documents needed to memorialize their project.Other times I review business proposals my clients receive from others and provide my clients with my opinion of the probable risks and benefits. Those engagements often evolve into a more active role of suggesting needed changes to the structure of the proposed transaction and/or agreements.Having previously served as a fee attorney for multiple title companies for more than 10 years, I also assist in the closing of problematic real estate sales and purchases. Most often that requires me to negotiate with the title company’s legal counsel to approve curative actions or documents to allow the purchase or sale to proceed to closing.Our clients deserve quality, innovative legal services, provided in a timely manner.
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Houdyshell + Partners LLC

We offer legal services to a variety of businesses and individuals, primarily in the areas of real estate and business transactions. In doing so, we always strive to provide our clients with unique perspectives and practical solutions, our ultimate purpose being to consistently and efficiently deliver value and results to our clients.OUR PRACTICE includes commercial and residential real estate acquisition and financing, c…

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