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Ronald L. Burdge

Updated: March 5th, 2022 | Dayton | Lawyer List R | Burdge Law Office Co. LPA |

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Address: 8250 Washington Village Drive, dayton, OH, 45458-1850
Law Firm: Burdge Law Office Co., LPA
Phone: 937-528-1781
Fax: 937-432-9503
Website: http://www.ohiolemonlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionNamed: 2004 Consumer Law Trial Attorney of the Year by National Association of Consumer Advocates; Ohio Super Lawyer 10 years as of 2016
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Burdge Law Office Co. LPA

We only represent Consumers. We handle Lemon Vehicle and Watercraft cases and Sales Fraud cases.Burdge Law Office Co., LPA, is known throughout Ohio as a leading consumer law practice representing consumers in lemon motor vehicle and watercraft cases and motor vehicle sales fraud cases. Our attorneys have represented consumers for more than 35 years. We are dedicated to fighting for the rights of consumers. We do not represent businesses.

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