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Ronit Zusman

Updated: February 25th, 2024 | Rochester | Lawyer List R | Brown & Hutchinson | Civil Litigation, Employment Law,

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Address: 925 Crossroads Building, Suite 925, rochester, NY, 14614
Law Firm: Brown & Hutchinson
Phone: 585-563-5445
Fax: 585-454-5066
Website: http://www.brownhutchinson.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Employment Law
DescriptionRonit Zusman, an Associate with the Firm, graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Juris Doctor from Widener University School of Law in 1994. She previously served as Judicial Law Clerk with the Honorable Ann McDonnell and the Honorable Linda Rosenzweig in the Superior Court of New Jersey. Ms. Zusman’s practice includes civil litigation, domestic relations and employment law. She practices in both State and Federal courts in New York and Pennsylvania. Past Employment Positions: Hon. Ann McDonnell, Superior Court of New Jersey, Judicial Law Clerk Hon. Linda Rosenzweig, Superior Court of New Jersey, Judicial Law Clerk
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Commitment to Excellence in your legal matter.Founded in 1994, Brown & Hutchinson has established a distinguished reputation in New York and across the nation for providing aggressive advocacy, innovative solutions and quality legal services. The firm offers transactional and litigation services to individuals, start-ups, small and mid-sized businesses, multinational corporations and Fortune 100 companies throughout the United States…

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