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Rosemary C. L. Rovick

Updated: November 28th, 2021 | Watsonville | Lawyer List R | The Grunsky Law Firm PC | Civil Litigation,

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Address: 240 Westgate Drive, watsonville, CA, 95076-2453
Law Firm: The Grunsky Law Firm PC
Phone: 831-288-2705
Fax: 831-722-6153
Website: https://www.grunskylaw.com/

TitleResearch Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation
DescriptionResearch Attorney, Monterey Superior Court 1990-2007; Research Attorney, Santa Clara Superior Court 1989-1990.
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The Grunsky Law Firm PC

The Grunsky Law Firm PC, are Santa Cruz attorneys dedicated to providing the highest quality legal representation to a diverse array of clients.For over 60 years, Grunsky, Ebey, Farrar & Howell, also known as The Grunsky Law Firm PC, has been dedicated to providing the highest quality legal representation to a diverse array of clients in Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito Counties, and throughout the Central California Coast. Our attorne…

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