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Ross B. Jones

Updated: October 19th, 2023 | Santa Rosa | Lawyer List R | Merrill Arnone & Jones LLP | Business Litigation, Employment Law, Intellectual Property,

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Address: 3554 Round Barn Boulevard, Suite 303, santa-rosa, CA, 95403
Law Firm: Merrill, Arnone & Jones, LLP
Phone: 707-304-5172
Fax: 707-528-6015
Website: http://www.majlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeIntellectual Property, Employment Law, Business Litigation
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Merrill Arnone & Jones LLP

Merrill, Arnone & Jones, LLP offers the highest quality service in straightforward and complex litigation matters employing a cost-effective, solution-oriented approach. Serving North Bay businesses for over 40 years.Merrill, Arnone & Jones, LLP provides effective legal counsel to North Bay businesses. Located in Santa Rosa, our firm skillfully handles a broad array of intellectual property, labor, business counseling, complex litig…

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