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Ryan Q. Ashworth

Updated: March 22nd, 2021 | Huntington | Lawyer List R | Offutt Nord PLLC | Civil Litigation, Defense Litigation, Litigation, Trial Practice,

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Address: 949 Third Avenue, Suite 300, huntington, WV, 25701
Law Firm: Offutt Nord PLLC
Phone: 304-529-2868
Fax: 304-529-2999
Website: http://www.onblaw.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Civil Litigation, Defense Litigation, Trial Practice
DescriptionEmployment History: Of Counsel, Offutt Nord Burchett, PLLC, Huntington, West Virginia, 2013-Present;Associate, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP, Huntington, West Virginia 2009-2013; Associate Attorney, OFFUTT NORD, PLLC, Huntington, West Virginia, 2006-2009; Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Kenton Municipal Court, Kenton, Ohio; Legal Intern to Bankruptcy Trustee Bruce C. French, Northern District of Ohio; Law Clerk, Huddleston, Bolen, Beatty, Porter & Copen, Huntington, West Virginia;Law Clerk, Judge Margaret Evans, Gallipolis Municipal Court, Gallipolis, Ohio. Accomplishments: Obtained Multiple Defense Verdicts as a First Chair and Second Chair Trial Attorney; Researched, Formulated and Drafted Appellate Arguments before the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals in Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal, Inc., Which Led to Reversal of an Adverse Verdict Against Client, A.T. Massey Coal; Researched, Formulated and Drafted Appellate Arguments Before the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals in State ex rel. Johnson and Johnson Corp. v. Karl, Which Led to Decision that Learned Intermediary Doctrine was Not Recognized in West Virginia, in Support of Client Physician’s Defense Posture; Named West Virginia ‘Rising Star’ by Super Lawyers for 2011 – Present; Successfully Completed the IADC Trial Academy at Stanford University, 2012.
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