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S. Lucky DeFries

Updated: January 21st, 2023 | Topeka | Lawyer List S | Coffman DeFries & Nothern A Professional Association | Administrative Law, Appellate Practice, Corporate Law,

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Address: 534 S. Kansas Avenue, Suite 925, topeka, KS, 66603-3407
Law Firm: Coffman, DeFries & Nothern A Professional Association
Phone: 785-234-3461
Fax: 785-234-3363
Website: http://www.cdnlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAdministrative Law, Appellate Practice, Corporate Law
DescriptionStaff Attorney, Kansas Department of Revenue, Sales and Use Tax Litigation, 1979-1983. Co-Author: Tax Law Chapter of Kansas Annual Survey of Law. Lecturer, ‘Sales & Use Tax,’ Washburn University Law School, 1980-1982. Adjunct Professor, State and Local Taxation, Washburn University Law School, 1993 . Member, 1996 and Chairman, 2002, Executive Committee, National Association of State Bar Tax Sections. Secretary of Revenue Advisory Council, 1995 . Listed: Best Lawyers in America, Taxation. Named in, Missouri & Kansas Super Lawyers Magazine, 2005-2007.
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